Saturday, September 25, 2010

Practical Magic

I have never read the book Practical Magic but I think I will head on down to the library today and check it out. The movie however is a totally different story. I saw it when it first came out and fell in love. I was not on my path... well at least not an intentional one and this movie was the first thing that really sparked an interest for me. There are so many things to love about this movie... the love between two sisters (of which I had none), the love of aunts and daughters and a wonderfully beautiful and semi dysfunctional life :) To me anyway. And I loved that. So much.

The movie is fun and filled with laughs yet tears and sadness. And I felt connected to the women in this movie. (Yes even though I know it is fiction) Some of my favorite parts of the movie are:

Amas Veritas-True Love Spell

He will hear my call a mile away.

He will whistle my favorite song.

He can ride a pony backwards.

He can flip pancakes in the air.

He'll be marvelously kind.

And his favorite shape will be a star.

And he'll have one green eye and one blue.

Midnight Margaritas!!!! :)

I love the entire movie. I could watch it over and over :) Even though there are trials and troubles they triumph and are still together and happy. And their magic is so infused in their everyday lives that it isn't even a second thought. I love the girls discovering their magical abilities and how excited they are about it all. And that is how I am feeling. I love the beautiful imagery they have in the movie.

I also love how from the beginning their are tensions between some of the towns women and Sally, Gilly and the Aunts and now the girls. But in the end they are brought together to banish "Jimmy". And in the end they gain their acceptance, or at the very least some tolerance and everyone embraces each other.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Birthday to my littlest Witchling!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Lucy!!!!!!!!!! She is 3 today and I made her cake this year! It isn't much but I think a pretty good first attempt!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Waiting for Autumn/Fall

It is still HOT HOT HOT here! :( I hope soon though the weather will change down here in the south to nice, cool and crisp! I am anxious for the season to change..... I need the change! I am excited for the season it is a favorite in our home! The girls are excited and so are we :) A move is in our future to the Midwest and I think I am just ready for it all to start moving along instead of this hurry up and wait stage we are in now.

I hope you are all well. I have been busy with dentist appts for the kids, errands and getting stuff ready to do our towns Veggie Share! I am excited! I am anxious for October to get here so I can start doing The Domestic Witches Blog party!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Waitng for Superman Documentary...

Saw about this on Oprah yesterday. I can't wait to see the film... if anyone wants more info just go to my links and click on the two! This is so important. Also check your childs school on the national rating list and see how you can help!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Trying to remain positive.......

*sigh* So I am getting really frustrated. I recently was diagnosed with something called Hashimotos Disease. Generally it affects your thyroid. But it is an auto immune disease that attacks your entire body. It is rough and painful and ugh it is driving me crazy. I went to the family practice doctor here on post and I was met with the look of a doc who was convinced I was a hypochondirac....... *sigh* She even questioned my diagnosis until I told her where in her system she could find my results that gave me my diagnosis. Very frustrating. I am trying to remain positive but today is a flare up day and it hurts to even walk. So I am going to lay on the couch and do my Let Fly assignment and relax. I did some yoga yesterday and I will probably do some more tonight.

Things will be better :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Calm...... :)

All is calm so far :) *sigh*
Yoga- Check


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Crazy Day!

Oh dear it has been a wild day of sorts! Cleaning day has never been so hard. Girls don't want to clean.... husband doesn't want to clean. Crying.... oh my....

But we are finally done *sigh* and we can get back to normalness.... sort of :)

I am excited for the opportunity Sarah has given me for the Lets Fly E-Course! Thank you so much! I needed it :) All day during the cleaning I was concentrating on how much I could use it! And voila! :) Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying your weekends :) Tomorrow will be a much calmer day I am hoping!

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Costumes Have Been Decided :)

Two pretty witches and a baby zebra! My 8 and 4 year olds will be "Pretty Witches" and My 3 year old will be the baby zebra :) Very excited!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


So I suppose you could call me solitary.... but I was thinking it would be nice to meet up with some other people in maybe a coven situation but still keep my own solitary practice going. You know besides here online I know of only about 2 other Pagan/Wiccans and they live very far from me. I don't even know how to go about finding a group in my area.... Any ideas?

Artistic Halloween Queens Having a Giveaway!

31 prizes in 31 days! Wonderfully crafted artistic Halloween pieces!!! You must follow the link in my sidebar and get on the list!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sleeping Problems...

So my middle daughter has been having some sleeping issues lately. Anywhere from 3-5 times a week and no matter what we do she can't go back to sleep for hours. She will go to bed at 9pm then wake up around Midnight or a bit later and stay up until 3-5 am depending on the evening.... I am at a loss as to what to do. I have scheduled her a doc appt with her Pediatric doc but it isn't for another month :( (they have nothing sooner... gotta love the military life *sigh*)

So does anyone have any suggestions around here that could be helpful? A sleep or dream pillow?

She is very sensitive to being woken up by certain disturbances. She talks alot about seeing a Green Man, and a crying girl bothering her. She is very in touch with nature and loves being outside and she has an extensive rock collection etc... so I was wondering what was up with the Green Man. She says he brings her black cookies..... could it just be dreams or something more? She and I have both had experiences before with "paranormal" things that we have experienced together. I never say anything to her about it other than talking it out with her and just asking what she is seeing. But I am worried something else could be going on that is either health wise or something is scaring her.... I am at a loss as to where to go from here for help or advice.

On another note. The day went very well :) We have started mapping out our Halloween costume adventure and I decided to apply for a small part time job working at the arts and crafts store. *here's wishing that happens!* It was a very productive day. Just a bit of wildness mixed in at the end :)

Blessed Be

Wishcasting Wednsday

I wish to be peaceful and calm.

Blessed Be

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Winding Down The Day

Well it started full of hope and happiness... hit a bump in the happiness department but is ending pretty well.

I made a decision tonight. About Halloween this year. We were doing pricing for the costumes and it is just way to much. So we are making our own this year! I am participating in The Domestic Divas Halloween Blog Party and I figured it would be cool to document the year I made homemade costumes for the first time! I am going to try my hand at some duct tape costumes and some others! I think the girls will be happy in the end, even if now they don't think it will be all that "cool".

So we are ending our day and having some quiet time now that the girls are down for the evening *sigh* What a day! Tomorrow is a new one..... out with the old and in with the new!

Blessed Be

A Bit of Hearbreak A Bit to Early...

RIP Molly(my brothers family dog) They had her for a few years and after his run this am he was putting her in the car and she saw another dog and bolted and was hit by a truck. He(my brother) is truly broken up and his wife is about 3000 miles away visiting family with Baby O.

He is very upset right now and I worry about him because he has been to war and seen some terrible things and he loved Molly so much.( That makes sense to me having dealt with PTSD first hand and triggers and such)
They found Molly a few months after they got married wandering the woods one day while they were out for a run and she just came right to them and had been with them ever since.

So sad now.. The guy driving didn't even slow down or stop :(

A New Day

Well this morning has started well! Kids up and out the door on time! And with no fighting or crying! I did not want to get out of bed but I willed it so :). Someone had to. LOL

My goals today... hmmmmm Well I have a meeting at the end of the day. I volunteer with a group called CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) in where I pretty much am a volunteer social worker. Except with less hours and only 1-2 cases. Right now I have one. So pretty much I work with children and their families who have been removed from their homes and work with the courts to decide IF and when the time is right for the children to reenter their homes. It is challenging but rewarding.

So I suppose my goal today is to relax and get the load of laundry I have done and get to the store. I need to find some canning things and get started before all the good fruits and veggies are gone for the season! And of course do some grocery shopping! But not all rushed etc. I am planning on a bit of a nap today :)

Blessed Be

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fresh Start

So this is my old family blog which we really weren't using. So I am repurposing it for myself to kind of have an outlet and space of my own to find friends who are like minded or maybe not so like minded but we can get along and still be friends anyway :).

A bit about myself. I am 28. Mother of 3 children. My husband is in the Army so we move quite a bit. Military life is not what you would think. It is rough and tough and lonely sometimes. And unlike Army Wives the show there isn't alot of commraderie. Although it would be nice, alot of wives are still very young and cliqueish and think this is still like high school and make the rest of our lives alot more difficult than they already are. I wish the wives would come together more and stop being catty and realize how much harder it makes it on ourselves. But oh well :) I can only manage me :)

My girls are 8, 4, and 2. Gracie, Maeghan and Lucy. They are full of energy and amazing! Amazingly smart and sassy and very independent and outspoken!

In early years I was not exposed to any dogma or religion of any type. When I was 10 that changed and we joined the LDS church. As an adult I have found my path is very different from the LDS church so my husband and I removed our names from the church roles and have never been happier. I have tried my hand at Atheism and found many wonderful friends and have had a chance to find that I may not neccesarily be an Atheist really at heart :) I have always had an interest in the "paranormal" and Paganism and Wicca. Growing up in Oregon I new many people who were involved in all sorts of things :)

I am finding I am in a place of upheavals and I am needing balance, love and peace. I am finding on my path now that I am more apt to find the things I want by practicing my personal craft. :) I have never been happier. Altough life is tough it helps me center me, and once I am centered well the rest seems to fall in line or place. Which I couldn't be happier about!

So that is about all. I am not sure how I get followers or friends here... but here is hoping this is a fun journey!

Blessed Be