So my middle daughter has been having some sleeping issues lately. Anywhere from 3-5 times a week and no matter what we do she can't go back to sleep for hours. She will go to bed at 9pm then wake up around Midnight or a bit later and stay up until 3-5 am depending on the evening.... I am at a loss as to what to do. I have scheduled her a doc appt with her Pediatric doc but it isn't for another month :( (they have nothing sooner... gotta love the military life *sigh*)
So does anyone have any suggestions around here that could be helpful? A sleep or dream pillow?
She is very sensitive to being woken up by certain disturbances. She talks alot about seeing a Green Man, and a crying girl bothering her. She is very in touch with nature and loves being outside and she has an extensive rock collection etc... so I was wondering what was up with the Green Man. She says he brings her black cookies..... could it just be dreams or something more? She and I have both had experiences before with "paranormal" things that we have experienced together. I never say anything to her about it other than talking it out with her and just asking what she is seeing. But I am worried something else could be going on that is either health wise or something is scaring her.... I am at a loss as to where to go from here for help or advice.
On another note. The day went very well :) We have started mapping out our Halloween costume adventure and I decided to apply for a small part time job working at the arts and crafts store. *here's wishing that happens!* It was a very productive day. Just a bit of wildness mixed in at the end :)
Blessed Be
Hi Willow!! Thank you for popping by my Let Fly Giveaway!!!
Well...I have been getting kiddos (preschoolers) to sleep fora bout 25 years now. This is what works for me...backrubs of course..but sometimes a gentle footrub or earrub works wonders. I often do Reiki on kiddos with intent..intent to have them relax so they can fall asleep calmly. Lavender in the pillow helps..maybe even a soothing cup of chamomile tea with a bit of honey.
I often try to redirect (not dismiss of course) fears to something positive. I would also take a look at her diet..maybe she is having trouble with something she is eating..I had one of mine do this when she had chocolate of any kind.
Hope this helped a little..good luck hon..I so understand this one with five of my own!!!
That actually helps alot! I usually rub her back (as with her two sisters) but she seems to be the only one who is waking up at night. They have a pretty good diet but she is in school now and they are doing snacks, I will have to ask her teacher what the snacks are. I know one day it was cupcakes... hmmmm... we usually don't do to much sugar or chocolate around here... but that is worth investigating further! So thanks! I will try the tea with her too! And I was going to make her a lavender pillow this week! :)
Thanks again!
I was told when I had a similar problem with my middle monster to smudge with sweet grass. And I also told our nightly visitor that he was welcome to come and see the monsters but he was no longer welcome to come in to the bedroom. We were able to get sleep soon after that.
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