Thursday, May 19, 2011

Oh the weather........

So today it is raining and we are enjoying a sporadic, but LOUD Thunder and Lightning storm! I don't mind the rain to much, however the thunder and lightning freak me out a bit... and of course I am always afraid of the tornado that *could* pop up at any moment!

I am trying to think of things that could keep us busy inside, but I am not getting any ideas that would take us further from the couch and watching movies :) And sneaking in a few random naps during said movie session. The girls are afraid of Thunder and Lightning. I don't blame them! It is loud and here it shakes our house!

So I have had an idea for a while and soon I will begin to compile it and either blog it or put it in a book. And I hesitate to say what it is, in case the extremely off chance a lot of people start reading here lol, and someone steals my idea. It is an idea my husband and I have been talking about for a while now and it is quite hilarious! I'll keep you posted!

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