Monday, October 4, 2010


Samhain (sowen) is an Irish word meaning "Summers End". The time of the final harvest and also a day to remember and recognize the dead. It is also known to be a good night for divination. Some divination techniques used were burning nuts and determining the future from which nuts exploded and which ones did not. Pouring molten lead into water and determining what their futures were from their shapes (this can also be done with wax).

In Faerie Lore it is a night of the "wild hunt". A night where faeries come out of their hollow hills and cause chaos around a town! :) People were careful not to go out on this night unless they did some of the following: carry a protective charm, such as salt or iron, turn their clothing inside out, or wearing or carrying a stone with a natural whole in it found near water as a protective amulet. That amulet would enable them to enter and return from the Faerie realm unharmed.

A ritual for Samhain:(from The Wiccan Year by Judy Anne Nock)

Setting Yourself Free
1 ball of red yarn
Cauldron(or an equivilant)

Take the yarn(preferrably cotton) Cut into as many nine inch pieces as you feel necessary. Tie them into a circle big enough to fit on your wrists. Give them each a name (a vice, something holding you back, a past hurt, etc). Tie them around your wrist, then say, to each one one at a time (fill in the blank) I have carried you long and far. Your burden has been my teacher, and I accept your lessons. Now I summon the strength to release you, for your presence serves me no longer."
Then take your athalme and cut through them. This may be difficult and take a while but it is symbolic of cutting away from those bonds and breaking free.
When you have cut them burn them saying "I send you back to the dark mother, to be consumed by the flames of transformation. You are purified and changed forever in this fire, reduced to your pure and simple essence. You are no longer bound to me. I send you back to the mother and away you will go, that something new and blessed in me shall grow."
Gather the ashes, go outside and put your back to the breeze/wind and let the ashes blow away.

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