Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Uploading pics tonight from the Halloween costumes! I promise!

Things have been stressful here! But we are managing. I know I had a sad post the other day and I am slowly moving on from it. Today I am a little irked however, because since leaving our old religion and coming out with how we really feel about things and have been defending our views on things just as our family always does I stepped on some toes. Just as my husbands family continues to step on my toes, some days I step back. Especially when things are aimed AT me directly and done out in the open, just in a foreign language. A few months ago this happened. One of my BIL's made a comment about me in spanish. I knew some of the words so I had a friend translate it and it was particularly nasty. So I responded back. Little did I know he and his wife blocked me from being able to view their FB walls and some other things on their FB. Which is their choice. But I like to pride myself on being honest and when something happens I will call you on it just like I expect you to do the same. But they didn't. So today they text me telling us how we need to see their babys pictures they put up. So I tried to go and see and voila they had outed themselves as to having blocked me. But they forgot, apparently... when I confronted them on it they seemed super uncomfortable about it and made an excuse, that honestly I know to be an outright lie. I feel frustrated about it. Why do grown adults do this?

I guess I am just perplexed. I will talk to you all tonight with the pics of the girls' costumes!

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